First impression of Cloud Gateway Ultra (UCG Ultra)
On February 21, the new Cloud Gateway Ultra security gateway was announced for sale in the US. After getting acquainted with its advantages, I realized that it is a powerful and modern device. Since I live in Ukraine, I was… >>>
UXG Lite vs. UCG-Ultra
In this post, I will try to provide a table comparing two modern security gateways Gateway Lite and Cloud Gateway Ultra. I’ll start with the image and graphics specs, UXG Lite on the left and UCG-Ultra on the right Each… >>>
Overview of UniFi Gateway Lite (UXG-Lite)
On November 20, 2023, a compact and powerful UniFi gateway with a full set of advanced routing and security features was announced. Thanks to its small size and modern features, this UXG-Lite router immediately became desirable. Since I already use… >>>
Ubiquiti UniFi Cloud Gateway Ultra (UCG-Ultra)
On February 21, 2024, I received a newsletter from Ubiquiti. The topic was IT innovation to accelerate world development. This letter announced the release of the new UniFi Cloud Gateway Ultra and the new USW Ultra switch. I was interested… >>>